Balancing Polarities & Harmonizing Opposites

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There is a somber feeling permeating the globe. Do you feel it? In a way it feels like the calm before a storm. And yet a storm has just past by leaving everything uprooted and raw. The song that goes along with this feeling is “Is This Love?” by Whitesnake released in 1987. If we look at the numerology, we see that it reduces to a 7 after adding the digits of the year. It has the frequency of 2 and 5 before arriving at 7, which is symbolic for Spiritual Evolution that comes from a rebalancing within of the opposites.

Relationships are very much in the forefront as we project our own imbalances out to be mirrored back to us. We engage in these projections in order to trigger the alchemical process within to achieve a greater level of balance and harmony. Without those triggered projections, we wouldn’t be able to notice the aspects that still need love and acceptance. Alchemy is about combining the opposite forces in order to birth a higher substance. Creative creations are being recreated with these astrological energies.

The Full Moon being energized by the nakshatra (asterism) Chitra is all about creativity, imagination, and balance. It also deals with all types of illusions as can be seen from the imagination aspect. This can lead to delusions if the energy is left unfocused. Intention is key, as the alchemical process requires a true focal point.

The necessity for the focal point is used in order to know how much is just right. In order to know how much masculine energy is needed and how much feminine energy is required to come into harmony, one must use the focal intention. The way to do this could be achieved by a process of self-inquiry. Asking questions to arrive at the truth that waits to be uncovered or discovered.

Chitra is known as the Star of Opportunity; it is regarded as the “Bright” or “Brilliant One” so now you can begin to get a clear picture of the energy of this Chitra Full Moon. It is also connected with Mars, which gives it its active energy and Venus because it lands in Libra. Again we notice the strong theme of balancing the complementary forces of masculine and feminine. As the Yin and Yang come into a harmonic balance, the scales even out and we can taste PEACE. Even if it is for a short duration, that taste can last a lifetime as it entices us and encourages us to want more.

The GREAT opportunity now is to be honest and take inspired action in order to realize the long-held dream. Is that dream about career or love? Each person will be experiencing this a bit differently as it will impact the personal chart differently. However, it is a powerful manifestation opportunity for all in both career and love. Both of these aspects are important in the present life. We are walking this life path together even if apart. We are all going on an evolutionary journey even if we are walking it alone.

Which parts can we agree on? Which areas will we come to agree to disagree? We do not have to agree on all issues known to man. We do get to choose how to co-exist. Will it be adversarial or amicable? Can we find the common ground? Can we use curiosity as a form to connect?

As a warning: there is a constrictive feeling in communication, which has been striking hard at the ego especially since Mercury was in Pisces. It’s slowly easing up as it moves away from Bharani nakshatra, but then it will be going into its retrograde motion on May 10th. So all types of communication methods are a little wonky and could very well be that way for a while longer. Be more mindful when you communicate in all areas at this time. Take pauses and breathe as you attempt to get your points across. Also, remember that it takes two to tango. It takes two or more to communicate effectively, which means that there has to be an equal share of listening. Take time to listen to what you hear and process it as long as you need. After processing the information can you really be able to respond. Do your best to compassionately communicate now and remember to breathe!

This is not the best time for confrontations. That is not the energy that’s supported at this Chitra Full Moon. The supported activities range from decoration to adornment to flirtatious rendezvous. All things arts and crafts are highly supported, as are all Spiritual Practices and actions taken to improve health. Remember that the highest relationship that we will ever have is the one with our Higher Self. Take care of relationships with partners and cherish the one with your Higher Self.

Devotion is a focal point as it’s the apex for Harmony and Peace. This can be achieved by cultivating more Compassion. Love, Peace, and Harmony through Compassion is the theme for this dynamic Full Moon. Now go get CREATIVE!

Saturday, April 16th, 2022 at 11:55 AM PST (2:55 PM EST)

Here is a great personalized calendar recommendation! “Looking Forward To It” Yearly Calendar completely personalized & color-coded for you with important key words! Never miss a great opportunity for love or fortune again!

To see in which specific area this transit is effecting your chart, you have to study your D1 and D9. I recommend the Cosmic Insights app. (I am an affiliate, which means I receive a small commission on any membership that funnels through my link. However, if you just want to look at your chart no membership is required.)

If you’d like guidance during this moon cycle or in general, you can schedule a session with me here. I always look forward to connecting with you!

Suzan Smadi

PS The focal point is still Pisces with Neptune and Jupiter joining forces along with Mars and Venus! Pay attention to your dreams!! Lots of messages will be coming to you in the dream state. Avoid any mind altering substances because it will lead you into trouble powered by this energy. Use a visioning board to set your intentions for this energy and get creative with it!

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