Staying Focused and Tapped in to Source

Motivation Monday: Stay Focused on new higher visions. We are creating at an exponentially rapid rate. This week brings a nice balanced energy for us to use for our benefit, if we so choose. Worrying about the outcomes will cause us to backtrack our forward progress, which is the main reason for us to remain … Continue reading Staying Focused and Tapped in to Source

Anchoring the Creative Spark: Trust that JOY is the Key!

Integration. Trust. JOY! These are the key terms for the month of September. This month will have a slower and less intense feel than that of August.  The only intensity coming up now is that of integration. We are being guided to integrate what we learned from July 26th to August 25th.  That month's time … Continue reading Anchoring the Creative Spark: Trust that JOY is the Key!