Harmonic Convergence Empowerment of FAITH

“Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.”~Mahatma Gandhi These past few years seem to be all over the place. Left, right, up, down, forward and backward. Spinning us and squeezing us to the point of no return is the feeling of NOW. Perhaps it even feels … Continue reading Harmonic Convergence Empowerment of FAITH

SOUL FRACTALS: Soul Mates & Twin Flames ~ The Mission

Ultimately, we are all ONE. One unified field of consciousness and creative force. SOURCE IS ALL. We are both a part of Source and we are expressions of Source. We are all united with Source. As we are fractals of the ALL, that which goes by many names – SOURCE – we seek to expand … Continue reading SOUL FRACTALS: Soul Mates & Twin Flames ~ The Mission