Sacred Connections: Transform Suffering to Freedom!

Most people in today’s society are suffering. In fact, most are in a deep state of despair. This includes emotional and mental suffering. You are probably wondering why physical suffering was not mentioned. Suffering is a mental and emotional construct; it is not physical pain. With time, when we suffer enough, we develop physical pain and disease. I have observed how we are attracted to addictive behaviors as a way to cope with our unhappiness. These addictive behaviors are plentiful, and are not limited to drug or alcohol use. Examples of other types of coping mechanisms are engaging in promiscuous behavior, cheating, watching television or movies, gossiping, cleaning, working, and even shopping. Of course, there are many other ways that we engage in addictive behaviors as a way to cope. We choose to cope because we don’t know how else to handle our authentic truth. Coping is not the answer, transformation is – and we only get to transform after being honest with ourselves. If we want to transform, it takes transparency and vulnerability.

The point is that for the most part, humanity is at a pivotal point in evolution. Everyone has a choice, and that choice is completely individual. However, that choice is highly influenced by the programming that each person holds. The reason for people’s depression and feelings of isolation is simply because they have forgotten how to connect to their truth. Whenever we are not living authentically, we separate ourselves from our connection to ourselves; we disconnect from our Higher Self. This disconnection is the root cause for all suffering. 

In my life, I have experienced both the connection and disconnection simultaneously. As a young girl, I had a Near Death Experience and this moment was awakening. This experience has served me in allowing me to glimpse into multiple levels of reality. The interesting part is that the levels of different realities are all interwoven and happening concurrently. As my consciousness separated from my body, I perceived both the connection to all that is and the disconnection from the life that my body allowed me to experience. At the same time, I have experienced the same phenomenon whenever I veered off my own course. Attempting to walk someone else’s path has served a purpose in aligning me back to my own. The feeling of disconnection happens strongly when we are not honest with ourselves. In fact, it is the disconnection with our own divine truth that hurts the most. The good news is that self-deception can end whenever we say enough to playing small. Following our divine path, our heart’s desire, takes courage. I’m currently writing a book that outlines how to find that courage while awakening, ultimately leading to enlightenment.

It will be an experiential-transformational process employing empowered awareness as a means to our authentic restoration. True healing can only come from achieving a higher level of inner awareness that can restore the empowerment that has been programmed out of us through indoctrination. This book will provide you with a clear understanding of how to achieve Self-Mastery and experience true freedom. The process is one of deep self-exploration while incorporating play to make it more enjoyable, which then leads to discovery. It is a way to awaken consciousness finally arriving at the level of mastery. The premise is that consciousness has three levels. As such, the transformation takes place once all levels are explored and discovered. 

Being submerged in the sea of deception only fuels the suffering that people go through and battle. Breaking free requires a reconnection to the inner aspects as a way to integrate into wholeness. The integrity that must be fostered through the process can only be achieved by having courage to dive deeply into the subconscious. Once we are able to see, hear, feel and know our inner truth with clarity, we can reemerge into our authentic truth. Freedom from suffering is achieved through living authentically. And, this is accomplished by empowering ourselves through evolving our consciousness. The process described in the book is a way to achieve enlightenment. Are you ready to begin your journey back to authenticity and breakthrough your own suffering? Are you finally ready to experience true freedom?

Let me know if this sounds interesting enough to make you want to dig deep into yourself and find your Truth – to honor your enlightenment. Will you have the courage to transform? Stay connected!

Suzan Smadi ✨💖✨

This is authentically me.
Researching and writing for you.

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